Accessing Roles Dashboard for Jira
Note: This feature is exclusively available to Jira administrators.
To launch the Roles Dashboard for Jira app, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to Settings > Apps.
2. Under the Apps section, click on the Roles Dashboard for Jira link.
The Roles Dashboard for Jira app begins by loading all company-managed projects and their associated roles. This initial load enables the app to provide a comprehensive view of your organization's project roles, including the groups and users assigned to each role.
You can reload the data at any time by clicking 'Reload Projects and Roles'.
You're now ready to access the Roles Dashboard for Jira!
Use the Filter area to refine your search. You can:
- Search for roles across all projects
- Select multiple projects and roles to narrow down your search results
When you click the Search button, a confirmation popup will appear. If you haven't specified values for Project and Roles in the filter, the search results will include all roles across all projects. Please note that this may take longer to load.
However, once the data is loaded, you'll enjoy fast and seamless navigation. You can sort results and switch between pages almost instantaneously.
If you suspect updates to projects or roles, cancel your search, refresh the data by clicking 'Refresh Projects and Roles', and then click Search again.
The app will display a 'Loading data' message while it retrieves and processes the relationships between the selected projects and roles
Once the data is loaded, the app presents the project-role-user relationships from two complementary viewpoints:
1. Project-Role-User Relationship: This perspective shows how projects, roles, and users are interconnected.
2. User-Role-Project Relationship: This alternative viewpoint highlights the relationships from the user's perspective, illustrating their roles and associated projects.
Project-Role-User Relationship Perspective
This view illustrates the hierarchical relationships between projects, roles, and users. Each row represents a connection between a project and a role.
Project Name: The name of the project, linking to its details page.
Project Key Name: The key of the project containing the role, also linking to the project page.
Role Name: The name of the role.
Group[Users]: A comma-separated list of groups and their members ([users]) assigned to the role. Usernames link to their respective user pages.
Users: A comma-separated list of users directly assigned to the role. Each user is a link to their user page.
This perspective provides a comprehensive overview of project-role-user relationships, enabling easy navigation and management.
Project-Role-User Relationship Perspective
This view illustrates the hierarchical relationships between projects, roles, and users. Each row represents a connection between a project and a role.
Project Name: The name of the project, linking to its details page.
Project Key Name: The key of the project containing the role, also linking to the project page.
Role Name: The name of the role.
Group[Users]: A comma-separated list of groups and their members ([users]) assigned to the role. Usernames link to their respective user pages.
Users: A comma-separated list of users directly assigned to the role. Each user is a link to their user page.
This perspective provides a comprehensive overview of project-role-user relationships, enabling easy navigation and management.
Both perspective tables can be exported to CSV format, enabling further analysis and visualization through charting and other tools.